Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sometimes You Wanna Go, Where Everybody Knows Your Name...(and they're always glad you came)

For whatever reason, the lyrics to the theme song from the T.V. show Cheers always resounds in my head when I think about my shop.  It makes me think about what it is that we all really want out of life.  Don't we all just want to know that we are loved and wanted by at least one person?  I know I do.  If you were to ask me what it is that I want for Total Addiction, and you, my customers and friends, it is that each and everyone of you know what your worth is.  I pray continually, that when you walk through my doors, you will know that not only do I care about you as a person, but that the Lord loves you.  I pray you feel that love when you come to Total Addiction. 

As I think about my personal life, I realize how many friends I have been blessed with through the years of my life.  All of them contribute to my life in different ways, and I love them all.  Today, however,  I am sad  because one of my bestest friends, Jen, is about to move to Montana.  While I completely understand (and support) her reasons for moving, I selfishly wish that I could keep her here.  Her and I became friends many years ago and as I look back on our relationship, I chuckle to myself, reliving so many of our great memories.  

Years ago I experienced a lot of personal heartache and while many turned their backs on me, Jen did not and stood by me when I was at the lowest point of my life.  When it seemed like there was no light in the darkness of my heart, there was Jen.  She always had a smile, a hug, and a baseball bat ready to tear up anyone who kept hurting me ( I say this with a big grin).  When I broke my ankle running, she was the one who came and scooped me up to take me to the doctor (She was also the one who kept scolding me when I didn't want to use my dumb crutches).  When I was sick, she was there armed with a bowl of soup and a bottle of 7-up.  She loved my kids and helped me out whenever she could.  While she has never admitted to it, I think she is the one who initiated a secret Santa plot to shower my kiddos with love our first Christmas alone.

Through the years our friendship has changed, grown and become deeper.  So many things that I enjoy in my life now is directly because of my friendship with Jen.  She is the one who taught me how to appreciate a good glass of wine, introduced me to couscous and Edward Cullen.  She is also the one that I think about when I see someone else who is hurting, and I want them to know that they are not alone.  At Christmas time, I think about women who may have experienced similar circumstances to me, and because of Jen's secret Santa plot, I know that there is something that I can do to help them feel better.  Jen and I have laughed together until we were crying, and cried together until we were laughing.   She is someone who is better than a friend, she is one of my soul sisters.  As I bid her farewell, I know that no matter what comes our way in life, no matter where we may live, we will always be there for each other.  When we see each other next time, we will pick back up right where we left off, because that's how it is between her and I.  Shes my forever friend, and I wish her nothing but love and happiness as she is about to start a new chapter.

With that being said, if at any time in your life you feel alone, and don't think anyone cares (believe me, I've been there too), come see me at the shop.  I'll always have a hug, a smile and a heart that will listen. 

"May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other."  
~Genesis 31:49

1 comment:

  1. Oh Renee - what an amazing gift of a friend! So sad for the goodbyes you are saying but so thankful that a friend like this truly is a forever friend and that the world's a whole lot smaller than the onion skin air mail connections from our days at Faith! Love you! ♥
