Wednesday, August 8, 2012


There are a few foods that will FORCE me to forget my diet for just a few moments...

The Fluffernutter is one of them.

Have you ever experienced the true simplistic joy that only a fluffernutter can bring?

When I was in high school, I used to make them for my youngest sister Sarah and I...we still talk about how amazing those sandwiches are.

And occasionally I succumb to the temptation.   She posted on my facebook wall the other day:  FLUFFERNUTTER!!  The sheer mention of its name makes me crave one...and there I go, off to the grocery store to purchase the necessary items...

What's in a fluffernutter, you may ask?   (Silly name, yes, I know...but OH SO GOOD).

For those of you who have never had the privilege of partaking of this divine concoction, I will divulge the secrets to making the PERFECT Fluffernutter.

First, you must have bread (no rolls or buns).  Ideally, white bread is really the best, but I practically refuse to eat white bread if I can help it...(it really is like glue to your body) I use wheat.

You MUST TOAST your bread.

Next:  Peanut Butter (Yes, one of the most-perfect-foods-in-the-whole-wide-world).  You can see I use the reduced-fat version, to try to somewhat appease my healthy side.  Feel free to go for the full-fat version though, if your little heart desires.

Spread your peanut butter, on your toast, as thick or thin as you like it.  (Sometimes more really is better...okay, so maybe that sounds a little bit gluttonous).  It's best if both pieces of bread have the peanut butter spread on them.

Then, comes the reason why the Fluffernutter is in a class of delectable snacking all of its own: 

FLUFF.  Yes, Marshmallow Fluff.

Spread the Fluff generously, on one side of the peanut butter covered toast.

Then, sandwich the two pieces of toast together.  Cut in half and place on a pretty plate (Yes, things really do taste better on pretty plates).

Prepare yourself for a true culinary masterpiece. 

Take a bite, close your eyes, and savor the perfect mixture of salty peanut butter goodness, combined with sweet, fluffy marshmallow between toasted perfection.

(Okay, so maybe a far cry from what Heaven is really like,
but I promise it's really, really, really yummy).


  1. How have I never heard of this before? I am not going to deny it...marshmallow fluff is being added to my grocery list RIGHT NOW! I may have just drooled on my phone! :)

  2. Suggestions on how to evenly spread uncooperative fluff? We've encountered this issue in our fluffernutters.

    1. :) LOL...Just smear it on there!! I let it swirl with the peanut butter a bit

  3. Patricia Maiden-LewisAugust 8, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    A dish truly worth cheating on your diet for :-) Yum!

    1. Yes!! I had one the other day, after Sarah mentioned it. I just HAD TOO!! :)

  4. lol I really need to try this and I want those plates!

  5. Hmmm, I would have never put this combination together, but it does sound delish! I'll do myself a favor and NOT try it! :)
