Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Facebook Emoticons and GRACE.

Do you ever feel like you just don't fit in?

I know I do, all the time!

In fact, its something I'm struggling with right now...

Sure, I know that people care about me...and I care about them too!

But, there are days that I just feel like I'm always on the outside, looking in.

The third wheel.

Two's company, three's a crowd...

You know,  just lonely.

Yesterday, I was really feeling down in the dumps.  I don't know if it was because of the snow, the cold weather, or the lack of sunshine...but I sure was down there.

I posted a silly little face on Facebook yesterday, that said I was "feeling down".

Because, well, I was...

I try to not post passive aggressive statements...but I was just messing around with the new emoticon feature on Facebook...and it felt silly to lie about it and post a happy-go-lucky little smiley face, when that would of been a I was honest. 

I said I was feeling down.

I must say,  I was warmed by the response I got.  If I didn't know before that people care about me, I sure do now!

But still, there are things in my life that make me feel that no matter what, I will always be an outsider around here...

It hurts my heart.

And just now, when I need to be reminded that I'm not alone...
I had a friend from Georgia post on Facebook about Grace.

(It was what I like to call a Divine appointment)

Yes, Grace.

As in, not the name or a person, but rather the gift of Grace, that comes only from God.

The gift of Grace that tells me that I belong to the King of Kings...that I am a daughter of the Father...that I was bought with an amazing price.  That I BELONG to Him.

The kind of Grace that assures me that if I feel like I'm on the outside looking in, I'm right where God wants me to be.  That no matter what, He is the One who will never leave me, nor forsake me.

It gives me comfort and helps me feel not alone. 

In the quietness of my thoughts, I hear the Lord whisper to me:  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

So, when I feel sad and down, I know that God can use me...His word tells me that!

Writing for my blog really helps me understand what it is that God wants to do with my life and how I can be more faithful to Him.

So, I turn to this blog to share my lonely heart with you the hopes that you will find the Grace of Jesus in your own life!

I know my thoughts are not deep words of wisdom, but perhaps you are experiencing the same thing I am right now.

Perhaps you need to feel loved and included, like I do, from time to time.

Perhaps you are struggling with something in your life.

Perhaps you have just lost someone you love, or are on the brink of telling someone goodbye.

Perhaps your heart is hurting too...

The truth is, no matter what is going on in our lives, it doesn't matter if we are accepted by others...what matters is that we belong to God and He is ready to embrace us in our weakest moments.

And that simple truth is enough to warm my soul and put a smile on my face.

While I enjoy and appreciate my Pastors teachings, my most favorite thing at church on Sundays is when Pastor James gives the benediction.  He stretches his arms out and says to us all:  “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  (Numbers 63:24-26)

Its like I can feel the very breath of God, breathing life into my broken soul.  Its one of my most favorite things in all the world...It reminds me that God is with me every minute, of every day...even on days when I feel left out.

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