Thursday, September 13, 2012

30 Things...Day 4

Who's ready for Day 4 of 30 Things??

I am!! :)

Here's #4:

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

1.  Stay out as late as you can (don't break curfew though).  You can be tired for the rest of your adult life.

2.  Don't worry about having a boyfriend...spend as much time as you can with your best-est girlfriends.  Because, usually boys just make life more complicated.

3.  Go travel where ever you want to go.  Go to Europe, Mexico, Asia, Russia...just go.

4.  Finish College.  Just do it.  Suck it up buttercup and do it.

5.  Don't get into credit card debt...again, you will have your whole life ahead of you, to be in debt.

6.  Don't wish for life to happen before it's meant to be.  Stop and savor the moments of your life.

7.  Some aspects of school really do not matter...I've never had to worry about some of the things I studied in high school, in my real life.

8.  Don't work too much...again, you will have your whole life to work.  It sucks...that's why it's called work.

9.  Don't stress about what you want to do with the rest of your life...everything falls into place.

10.  Never take for granted the time you have with your family.  Some day you wont be able to hug and kiss them whenever you want.


  1. 16 was such a great year!!! But here it goes:
    1.)Boys that are cute in high school are not always cute adults.
    2.)135lbs is a perfect weight.
    3.)Kissing a boy does not equal true love.
    5.)Spend as much time as possible with your true girl friends, if they date boys you like knowingly they are not true friends.
    6.)Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
    7.)You are incredibly strong.
    8.)Always do your best and never sell yourself short
    9.)Take the hard truth over the easy lie.
    10.)Love your family and your friends deeply. Tell them how you feel!

  2. I've done a lot of those things with you, haven't I? Wish we would of known then that we would have to be apart in our adult life...I think we would of gone on more road trips and midnight runs to waffle house. :)
